samedi 16 octobre 2010

Horrible abuses and crimes against animals in the PRAHOVA COUNTY ~Romania ~.Please help ! | Care2 Share

Horrible abuses and crimes against animals in the PRAHOVA COUNTY ~Romania ~.Please help ! | Care2 Share: "–


The horror continues in the Prahova county - Romania - Not only a veterinarian ! is accused of killing almost 5,000 dogs ( because the mayors asked her....)BUT, in all municipal shelters in that county not only the public access is denied but even the Police and The Sanitary Veterinary County's Agency...As you can see in some photos, those dogs live in MUD, they are starved, they are mistreated , and THEIR FOOD ( give away food from restaurants, food stores etc ) IS STOLEN FROM THEM, by the employees of the shelter ...cheese, meats, bread, etc...and they got caught on camera...and apparently, based on the people' comments in the articles the wife of the veterinarian of the shelter ( Dr. Chiritescu - ) also brings some fruit and vegetable from the zoo animals where she works as a vet....because the shelter is on the same compound as the zoo...We ask in this letter, that all THESE PEOPLE, all of them, from the top to bottom, and vice versa be investigated and prosecuted at the FULL EXTEND of the laws.

Please take 3 minutes to copy/paste/send the all emails in the same time...Please do not send separate will take far too long. We also ask the FULL ACCESS TO ALL MUNICIPAL SHELTERS IN THE COUNTY FOR all associations for the protection of animals, all the do volunteer work and to make sure that the dogs are taken care off...


Les horreurs continuent dans la region de Prahova Roumania.Non seulement un veterinaire ( dr.Emilia Herescu) est accuse d'avoir tue plus de5000 chiens, parceque les maires le lui ont demande ( comme si l'ordre d'un maire est au dessus de la lois !)...mais l'access dans tous les refuges de la region est interdit, non seulement au public, mais aussi a la Police et a l"Autorite veterinaire de la region...comme s'il saggissait d'un secret d'etat...

Voyez dans les photos et les liens fournis les conditions dans les quelles ces pauvres chiens la boue, pas d'eau, pas de nourriture...blesses...affames, malades...PARCEQUE, nous vennons tout juste d'appndre que les employes du "refuge" VOLAIENT la nourriture donnes pour les animaux par des restaurants, magazins alimentairs, etc...: fromage, jambons, en plus, la femme du docteur du refuge, apparement, selon les conversations dans les commentaires dans les journaux, avait access aux fruits et aux legumes dedies aux animaux du ZOO...parce que le refuge se situe dans le meme endroit que le ZOO ...sous la meme administration..

Nous demandons dans la lettre , d'abord que toutes les personnes nommees dans les journaux d'avoir tue, affame, maltraite les animaux soit deferrees en justice et les procureurs demandent les sanctions les plus severes selons les , que tous les refuges municipaux de la region soient ouverts aux associations de la protection animale de la region, afin que les gens qui veulent aider puissent y aller et aussi pour pouvoir controler tout le temps l'activite dans ces refuges.

SVP...copyez/collezz/envoyez la lettre...utilisez les addresses en block, pour economiser du temps.

Nous vous remercions beaucoup..


Sa mai scriu toata povestea ?...

Fcem scrisoare de protest catre judetul Prahova pentru toate ORORILE care s-au intamplat si continua sa se intample acolo..

Cerem, anchetarea SEVERA a indivizilor, cele mai severe pedepse prevazute de legile aplicabile si ACCESUL PERMANENT IN TOATE ADAPOSTURILE MUNICIPALE pentru toate asociatiile de protectia animalelor din Judet...

Va rog difuzati, tuturor prietenilor ( mai ales cei din strainatate...) daca mai aveti si alte link-uri despre judetul Prahova, adaugati-le la comentarii si eu le pun pe nota imediat.


Ladies and Gentlement,

I was very disturbed and disappointed by the news coming from Romania, the Prahova County, about the treatment of stray dogs...It is incomprehensible how a veterinarian who took a vow "not to harm" animals, is capable of killing thousands of dogs with cold blood...

It is horrifying to see the "living "conditions for the find out that animals are left to starve, to eat one another, in the mud, no water, and above all it is DISGUSTING to find out that people PAID with salaries to care for these animals, STOLE their can ANY HUMAN BEING with a heart and conscience STEAL the food of an animal ?...How is it possible for people ( veterinarians ) trained to HELP ANIMALS IN NEED harm them...

Why is the access to the shelter denied to animal protection associations, or to the Police, or to the DSV ?...WHY...what do they have to HIDE?...

In the best interest for the reputation of your country, county and cities, please take all the necessary measures to investigate honestly, to prosecute at the full extend of the Romanian laws, those who committed crimes against animals, did not provide shelter , water and food, as required by the law, stole food from the animals ( in the shelter and/or in the zoo), regardless of WHO they are...politically, socially, locally, etc.

Please allow permanent access to all the municipal shelters to all the animal protection associations in your county.

I hope that Romania will decide once and for all to implement not only its OWN LAWS but also the international treaties and conventions which were signed, ratified and entered into force.

I also hope and pray that Mr. Vlad Catalin and Mr. Mircea Chiritescu WILL NOT TAKE REVENGE on the poor dogs in the shelter on the to city of Ploiesti...apparently Mr. Chiritescu took a community dog, the next day after the news about the stealing of food appeared in the news paper...This would be the ultimate abject action...retaliate on an innocent animal...

Please take a look ( again ) at those terrifying news posted in the Romanian media and please reflect upon the best decision to solve this matter.

BUCOV MUNICIPAL SHELTER Part of The Memorial Garden Constantin Stere - Zoo Bucov )

Director : Vlad Catalin

Veterinarian : Chiritescu Mircea ( his wife is veterinarian at the Zoo Bucov - the municipal shelter is located on the same compound as the Zoo Bucov...)( FORMATIA OCROTIREA ANIMALELOR COMUNITARE Sef formatie - Chiritescu Mircea - Unit for the protection of the community animals...) ( Oct.5 2010) ( 10 Aug.2010)

The extermination of dogs at Bucov

From the archives

si asta recenta,de anul asta,unde reiese ca din 900 caini capturati anul trecut,447 (aproape 50% !!!) au murit din cauze „naturale„: _Cainii_comunitari_de_la_Adapostul_Bucov_lupta_pana_la_moarte_pentru_hrana_0_197980589.html

Thank you very much for your attention,

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